The Best Foods To Boost Your Immune System

In the wake of COVID-19, many companies are claiming to offer products that can protect you from the virus. This simply isn’t true. 

Currently, there is no research to suggest anything can actively protect you, aside from social distancing, wearing a mask, washing your hands and not touching your face. That said, as with any illness, improving the quality of your diet can strengthen your immune system. This can help to combat oxidative stress and reduce the severity of symptoms.  Try some of these foods that have proven immune-boosting properties.



Turmeric has demonstrated antimicrobial properties against different bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. Studies have investigated its use against influenza, hepatitis C, and bacterial strains. Known as the ‘golden spice’, turmeric is part of the ginger family. Used in traditional Asian medicine, the spice is also reputed to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.  Use a pinch of powder in soups, rice, on roasted vegetables, or in smoothies. 


Ginger has shown antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and anti-nausea effects all of which, can contribute to a strong immune function. 

The main health-promoting property of ginger is from a compound called gingerols. Ginger comes in a variety of forms -  dried ginger seems to exhibit the strongest antioxidant potency.  You can also eat it in its raw form,  dried in teas or added to food as a powder. 


Obtained from the inner bark of several tree species, cinnamon add flavor to sweet and savory dishes.  Studies have shown anti-fungal and anti-viral properties in specific dosages. Mechanisms of action involve damaging  bacterial cell walls.  The spice has also shown promise in supporting healthy blood sugar control.

Add a teaspoon to your oatmeal in the mornings, any baked product or a curry.

Green Tea 

Green tea has many biologically active compounds that have shown health benefits. One of these, Epigallocatechin-3-gallate, has demonstrated anti oxidative properties. Studies also show some anti-viral potential, although only at very high concentrations. 

To reap the health benefits, brew a strong cup of regular, caffeinated tea without added sugar (the decaffeinating process destroys the health- promoting compounds). 

You can also try matcha, a type of powdered green tea packed with antioxidants. Matcha contains  L-Theanine, an amino acid that can ease anxiety and sleep problems.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is made by fermenting milk with live cultures of  bacteria. Substances, such as butyrate, which are produced by bacteria (aka probiotics) support the health of the gut lining. A healthy gut provides a barrier to pathogens and can enhance the immune response. 

While more research is needed, a review showed that some probiotics helped people avoid acute upper respiratory tract infections. Additionally, consistent intake has been shown to reduce the symptom duration of other illnesses, such as the common cold. 

Include a few tablespoons of greek yogurt into your daily diet. Try it for breakfast with mixed berries and bananas and honey. Add it as a topping for chili instead of sour cream, or add it to pasta sauces in place of cream.


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